princetongreen community
princetongreen community

Unleashing Our Power From Within



Our purpose is inspiring conscious and regenerative leadership to elevate the consciousness of humanity, empowering our community with the resources to create a new conscious and regenerative life…. full with love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace. A new conscious and regenerative civilization is emerging, and you are invited to join us. The pathway to get there begins with eXpanding your Self-awareness. 

By eXpanding your Self-awareness, your perspective broadens, enabling you to see new options for your life that were previously blocked from your view. From your new perspective, your inspiration awakens, formulating a new personal vision for your life. You unleash your power from within, building your new vision into physical form.

You transcend from a limited 3D being to an eXpansive 5D being, eXpanding to your highest potential by trusting and leveraging your intuitive impulses and creative imagination, unleashing your power from within. And through this experience of eXpansion, you leverage the bravery to feel the fear, and do it anyway. You forge ahead with the perseverance required to build a new life, filled of love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace.

It's time to ALWAYS BE BOLD!

"BOLDNESS is the bedrock of our community."

Our BOLDNESS begins with building a community of Seekers and Awakened who desire to create a new conscious life with meaning and purpose. The princetongreen community provides the resources for people to heal themselves, learning to unleash their power from within.

You may want to begin by exploring our collection of New Earth Books, while learning more about the Visionary Authors who wrote them. Then check out all of our FREE resources that support your ascension from a limited 3D being, to an eXpansive 5D being.

We are starting our launch phase representing Visionary Authors, and will soon eXpand our resources to include other professionals who support elevating the consciousness of humanity, including coaches, speakers, healers, influencers, and freelancers. We are an organization of spiritual entrepreneurs, gathering as ONE pack, unifying our collective strength.


Let's be real.... The greatest untapped energy source in the world is the collective strength of Americans!

Yet what is dividing U.S. is the illusionary political narrative that is a 100% made-up story! We the People are being separated by a story that no longer serves us. It's the story that keeps us stuck in fear and suffering. The act of UNITING breaks us FREE from this STORY. When we UNITE, we instantly become at least TWICE as STRONG! 

Breaking FREE from this illusionary STORY occurs when take the first step on this journey, which is transcending our limitations of identifying ourselves as either Republican or Democrat; we must identify simply as being Americans!

The two-party system was originally SOLD as a way to maintain balance, yet its true intent was to put the Government in control, as the easiest way to control a crowd is to separate it. Same thing with the Electoral College, control. Same thing with the Federal Reserve Board, control. Same thing with the Internal Revenue Service, control. The list goes, yet UNITING returns the CONTROL back to We the People. Ironically, chaos is a catalyst for UNITING.

We are creating and living our NEW STORY of a NEW EARTH CIVILIZATION of conscious people, who are collaborating in creating a new regenerative world.... a world that is full of love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace. We are a civilization led by conscious and regenerative leaders who are catalysts of change that are igniting a global transformation of humanity, transcending life on Earth.

What we are currently experiencing on Earth, at this moment in time, 2025, is a period of time when evolution is occurring at an accelerated rate. The rotation of the world is literally faster. Days seems shorter because they are. This period of time is known as "The Great Awakening", which is also known as  "The Great Revelation",  and now "The Golden Age of America."

However, this Golden Age is filled with challenges, in particular for the United States, and Europe. These two video sum things up pretty well. 

Firstly, Taylor Kenney of ITM Trading, explains why and how the U.S. dollar will inevitability collapse, and what we can do to prepare for what she refers to as "financial self-defense."

Secondly, Keyu Jin of the London School of Economics, explains why and how China is entering this current global trade war from a position of strength.



#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)

We must WAKE-UP to this reality by dropping our poliical divide, UNITING as ONE country, reclaiming our power, while collectively voting with our dollars by only supporting conscious and regenerative businesses, being led by conscious and regenerative leaders. 

Conscious consumers are the ones in control, so long as we UNITE!

Meanwhile, we must not rely on our U.S. Government to fix ALL of our problems, as the solution is NOT merely a top-down approach. Rather, the solution involves a combination of a top-down plus a bottom-up appraoch, thus meeting in the middle.

Yet,  let's be clear, we are NOT politically active. Rather, we support people who are seeking a new way of life, living at a higher consciousness, full of love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace. Our focus is elevating the consciousness of humanity, inspiring people to become their best versions of themselves.

Even though the princetongreen community is not politically active, doesn't mean we aren't politically aware. Our awareness leads us to simply ignore the political divide and political narrative created by the Deep State and their unscrupulous politicians (on both sides of the aisle), along with the greedy lobbyists, executives, bankers, and a corrupt media, thus creating the corporatocracy that has emerged.

Our community perceives all of it as a bunch of noise. Rather than listening to this noise, we listen to the music and melody of a life of prosperous flow.

Yet we align and support President Trump's vision creating a common sense government to Make America Great Again. We also align with Bobby Kennedy's vision to Make America Healthy Again; Peter Hegseth's vision to Make America Strong Again; Kash Patel's vision to Make America Secure Again; Tulsi Gabbard's vision to Make America Free Again; and we are adding to this, our vision to....  Make America BOLD Again.

President Trump claims that he is the "peacemaker and unifier". This is where our community fits in, as we are peacemakers and unifiers too, supporting those desiring a new life in the Golden Age of America! 

President Trump also claims that he represents ALL OF US, and not just 1/2 of us. So let's give the man a chance. Let's not allow our own personal judgments cloud what's best for our country, best for our children, and best for ourselves. Yet, if he is deceiving us, we will know. I will know. I remain neutral. I remain aware.

Overall, lets cross our fingers and trust that President Trump and team have pure intentions. If not, then our UNITY will serve us well in this challenge, too. Regardless,  We the People must NOT rely on our government to fix ALL of our problems. With DOGE doing it's thing, many people are FORCED to reinvent themselves, which may be just the kick in the ass they need to (finally) change their ways, and change their lives. Knocked down seven. Stand up eight.

We must take personal responsibility to fix and create the lives we desire, based on our intrinsic right of freedom! We are free to heal our ourselves, becoming our greatest strength, unleashing our power from within.

In other words, we know that our greatest strength comes from healing ourselves, American-by-American, which in turn, heals our country, which in turn, heals the world. Our community provides all of the FREE resources needed to transcend to a new life on a New Earth.

It's time we transcend our 3D beliefs of yesterday, and become our 5D knowings of today. We transcend from the limitations of being a Republican or Democrat, and become the COLLECTIVE POWER OF BEING UNITED AMERICANS! 

In all candor, if you are an American citizen who is not resonating with this approach, then your Soul is unknowingly asleep, and our community is, most likely, NOT a good fit for you. Although, if you are able, we encourage you to transcend any judgments that are most likely illusions, and become part of the solution.

We understand your hesitations, though, from a macro-spiritual perspective, President Trump is a "disruptor" for change, which is needed right now. If he turn's out to be Lucifer in diguise, this will be revealed. Regardless, what's important is to put aside the political narrative of separation, created by those who are oppressing us, and UNITING AS ONE UNFIED COUNTRY. Political strength is one thing. Collective strength is another. 

Regardless of whether we agree with all of Trump's views, or not, it remains vitally important that we UNITE AS ONE COUNTRY. Our Government works for US,  and NOT the other way around. Otherwise, our internal chaos will continue to worsen. We are vulnerable as a country, living in dangerous times, and UNITING is what will Make America BOLD Again!

The Golden Age of America includes each American healing, releasing our impurities.... spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. As we Americans heal, what remains is our personal Gold, our ESSENCE, our most powerful versions of ourselves. We unleash our of power from within, living steadfast as BOLD and peaceful warriors.

The purpose of princetongreen.org is elevating the consciousness of humanity, igniting the awakening of people's sleeping Souls. Yet, awakening our Souls to a higher consciousness is a choice each of us must make. This is free will at the individual level.

Those who choose awakening, trust, and truth will evolve and thrive. Inspired action is required. In this new paradigm, conscious and regenerative leadership is essential, as both lifestyles and leadership intertwine in creating our new reality. True regenerative leadership goes beyond sustainability; it starts in the heart and illuminates a new path forward.

In our book, ESSENCE, we unveil the Divine Detour, which opened during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, showing a path to a new life. This fork also appeared in 2012 for a bit. Although, most people dismissed it as a hoax. Some saw it in 2020, and today, in 2025, more and more people are seeing it now. We stand on the brink of a massive collective breakthrough. The more we awaken, the more powerful we become!

As of 2025, there is chaos throughout the world, fueled by a vortex of dark energy, led by a select few. What they don't realize is that their power, greed, corruption, and control is temporary. Their actions are simply an aspect of evolution, as we must go through a period of extreme darkness to get to the Light.

A new breed of conscious and regenerative leaders is emerging, ones who embrace the new paradigm of conscious and regenerative leadership, inspiring a world of Self-responsibility, Self-leadership, and Self-control. Out with the old. In with the new.


"People who don’t care about politics are controlled by those who do."

Behavioral economics is a field of study that combines insights from psychology and economics to understand how people actually make decisions, often challenging the traditional economic assumption that individuals are perfectly rational and always act in their best interest.

In essence, people's financial decisions tend to be emotionally based, and NOT rationally based, thus calling into question the rational economic models utilized by Wall Street analysts. In other words, the stock market has evolved to an illusionary state of hype, no longer driven by financial performance, but by people's emotions.

Behavioral economics bridges the gap between economics and psychology, providing a more realistic view of human behavior in markets and everyday decisions. By uniting our collective strength, we will make unified financial decisions, impacting marketplace dynamics.

In other words, WE ARE THE ONES IN POWER, and NOT the corporatocracy that is oppressing us!

It's wonderful that Bobby Kennedy is focused on getting the chemicals out of our food supply from a regulations standpoint. And while he is conquering that, we must also recognize that U.S. consumers are the ones who are truly in power, so long as we UNITE!

We must VOTE WITH OUR DOLLARS! This is where our true power resides. So a two-pronged approach of regulation and collective consumer demand will transform our food supply, our health, and humanity.

For instance, when we collectively agree to no longer purchase foods that are loaded with sugar, flour, and dyes, then corporations will be FORCED to change their ingredients based on consumer demand. They currently do what they want ONLY because we keep buying what they sell. Until they are FORCED to change their ways due to consumer demand, not much will change, or will even get worse. By UNITING our collective financial purchasing decisions, we create the markets and products we desire.

For instance, when we collectively agree to no longer purchase bottled water and beverages in less than one gallon containers, then corporations will be FORCED to change their packaging based on consumer demand, and tons of garbage will be eliminated.

For instance, when we collectively agree to ABANDON the use of expensive cell phone services by MIGRATING to free internet phone services,  we make the 134,000 or so cell towers in the United States obsolete; thus eliminating the harmful effects of radiation, while wiping out an unscrupulous industry that has created a massive vortex of negative energy, which fuels emotions of scarcity, guilt, shame, and fear.

These are three simple examples of the power of behavioral economics. There are countless more. Each one takes us closer and closer to living in the new conscious and regenerative world.


Which Path Are You Choosing to Live On? The Constrictive Path, or the eXpansive Path?
Which Path Are You Choosing to Live On? The Constrictive Path, or the eXpansive Path?

The oppression continues, and here we are in 2025, dealing with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war, the Israel-Hamas war, and the Trump assassination attempts…. just to name a few.

Ever since The Great Recession, the Federal Reserve Board has been propping up and manipulating the markets by printing more and more money, diluting the dollar even more, while increasing wealth inequality to there highest levels to date. This divide between the top and bottom is caused by the oppression placed upon most of us, which is the old paradigm at work. Consequently, as of 2025, the middle class in the United States is diminishing at an alarming rate.

Unless we UNITE as Americans to reclaim our power and freedom, then it’s simply a matter of time until we become a Marxist capitalist society, which is divided into two main social classes: bourgeoisie and proletariat. The bourgeoisie consists of the capitalists who own the means of production. They derive their income and profits by taking from the proletariat. They hire the proletariat to produce goods. In other words, they are the slave owners.

The proletariat consists of the working class people, who sell their labor power for a wage or salary. They have little choice but to work for the capitalists, because they usually can’t survive on their own. In other words, they are the slaves.

Regardless of this doomsday outlook, there exists an alternate reality, as a new conscious and regenerative civilization is forming that offers a new life of love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace. The ticket price for entry is a combination of good intentions and a desire to live a collaborative and peaceful life in the new conscious and regenerative world.

What most people don’t realize is that at the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic, a fork in the path emerged. It also appeared in 2012, yet humanity dismissed it as a hoax. Regardless, this new path is a Divine Detour, representative of The Great Awakening. Since most people didn’t see this fork, they have remained on the old, 20th-century constrictive path until this very day. Some people did see it and veered right at the fork, taking the new 21st-century eXpansive path, remaining calm amid the chaos, living peacefully on the eXpansive path to this very day, while realizing that old paradigm living is crumbling and obsolete.

The catalyst for the formation of our new civilization is the evolution of the United States over the past 80 or so years. We, and many countries around the world, have experienced high degrees of growth and prosperity since the 1940s. However, the karma of overspending, overindulging, greed, corruption, power, control, and oppression has finally caught up, leading us into The Great Recession in 2008-2009. 


princetongreen.org is a flashlight in the darkness, guiding people to a New Earth. The deeper the darkness, the brighter our Light.

We are a consortium of Starseeds, Lightworkers, Light Warriors, and Cosmic Souls working together to elevate humanity’s consciousness. Our collective initially includes visionary authors, and will eXpand through natural growth, to include inspiring speakers, insightful teachers, intuitive astrologers, spiritual influencers, and more—all united to illuminate others’ paths to healing and eXpansion. We call ourselves Our Cosmic Cluster, a growing circle of mystical Souls finding their way home, empowering each other in fulfilling our life purpose.

We are here to support humanity and one another, on this journey. Now is the time to unite our Souls and transcend through free will in action. To learn more about this path and read our entire book for FREE, click here.

Transcending is Free Will in ACTION. The time to awaken to our greatest POWER is NOW!



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