Aspect #1


3 min read

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”

~ Socrates

ESSENCE: To Know Thyself is our greatest power.

Know Thyself is Self-awareness; the ability to know yourself through the conscious knowledge of your own character, motivations, strengths, weaknesses, cravings, and desires. It is a timeless perspective, which underscores the importance of introspection as a pathway to accumulating wisdom and personal growth.

To Know Thyself is our greatest power. It is related to how much applied introspection to our personalities has been taken, and if we can witness our strengths and weaknesses. To know ourselves at a deep level means to be highly Self-aware, thus having an eXpansive perspective. The process of eXpanding our Self-awareness occurs as we acquire wisdom through learning the needed lessons of our daily challenges. With greater wisdom, we broaden our perspectives, becoming more of our powerful selves.

By having high levels of Self-awareness (a.k.a. eXpansive Self-awareness), we are inspired with unlimited vision and unshakable faith and knowing. From this eXpansive perspective, we see a new vision for our dream life, while having the confidence to build it into physical form.

Sleeping Souls generally do not know themselves too well. Many view themselves as victims of circumstances, as life conspires against them. They are taught to seek pleasure and avoid pain, not knowing that the richness of a full human experience includes all facets of life, not just the good times. Many are taught to deny the bad times, as if they never occurred. They fail to understand that life operates in polarity, whereby everything has its pair of opposites. Yet their ego mind has them living in duality, thus judging experiences as either good or bad, creating greater separation in their lives by only wanting the good while denying the bad. They are living in denial of the truth of themselves. Remaining highly judgmental and self-righteous, they limit their lives without even realizing it. Some begin to seek.

Seekers are on the Soul journey to know themselves. Oftentimes, this personal journey is initiated by a traumatic event and/or bouts of ongoing struggle. Human beings, as with all of Nature, grow through struggle. As Seekers exercise the courage to face their fears, they eXpand their Souls and build their confidence. As they eXpand, they gain a deeper and deeper appreciation for the power to Know Thyself.

Awakened are those who undoubtedly realize the importance to know oneself. Many have learned to live with stoic principles that guide their lives. One such principle is to remain calm among chaos. Doing so requires tremendous strength and eXpansive Self-awareness–to Know Thyself. Awakened know the truth of who we are. Hence the saying, “The truth shall set you free.” Awakened are free, as they recognize the strong correlation between our ability to know oneself and “personal freedom,” as their definition of personal freedom includes the realization that we are infinite beings….

I know myself….

Spirit, Heart, Body, Mind, and Soul.

How well do you feel that you know yourself?

Are you able to remain calm during stressful and/or chaotic experiences?

What is one habit that you can form to become more of who you truly are…. a powerful being?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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