Aspect #11


3 min read

“I like a teacher who gives you something

to take home to think about besides homework.”

~ Lily Tomlin as Edith Ann, Sesame Street

ESSENCE: Lifelong learning continues to eXpand our Souls.

Lifelong learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice, study, and/or being taught. Learning is essential to our development. To be human is to desire to learn. By the time a baby reaches three months old, their desire to learn is evident. At the core of our Souls, there is a strong desire to keep learning, while acquiring wisdom through direct experience.

A limiting perspective that pervades our society in the United States is that learning is only necessary until we retire. So once we retire, the need to keep learning is no longer necessary. Unfortunately, many Americans tend to correlate the need to learn with their occupations and not with the need to eXpand their Souls.

Sleeping Souls tend to be stuck in a vortex of continuous drama, as the same things keep happening over and over again. Perhaps they are failing to realize that this is occurring because they are not capturing the ESSENCE of the learning–the golden nugget, which is often hidden within every experience of life. By not capturing the lesson, a similar experience will undoubtedly appear again at some point in the future. Resultingly, Sleeping Souls tend to continue to go in circles, and as they do, their life lessons tend to become harder and harder. Some are so stuck in their ways—driven by their need to be right—that they lead themselves directly into an emotional breakdown. It is then that many experience being hit over the head with a spiritual two-by-four. Some begin to seek.

Seekers tend to be learning that, to awaken our Souls and transcend, we need to acquire wisdom. Lifelong learning creates good judgment through  experiencing life challenges. Seekers tend to realize that if they don’t learn from a life experience, it will certainly repeat itself in the future. However, if they find the golden nugget and capture the learning from the experience, then they eXpand, and the negative energy block is released, enabling greater flow.

Awakened tend to know that regenerative living involves continuous improvement, which depends on continuous learning. Many have adopted a knowing that experiences in life happen ‘for us’, not ‘to us’. They view themselves as students of life, not as victims of circumstances. They also tend to see that wisdom is acquired through learning, and that learning is acquired through life experiences. As self-improvement  guru Tony Robbins states, “I’ve come to believe that all my past failures and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.” Tony lives his life by applying his acquired wisdom....

I continue to learn throughout my lifetime.

Are you a student of life or a victim of circumstances?

Do you perceive setbacks in your life

as stepping stones or failures?

Do these setbacks happen ‘to you’ or ‘for you’?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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