Aspect #13


3 min read

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

~ Mother Teresa

ESSENCE: Our life purpose aligns with our true heart’s desires.

Wisdom consists of the central motivating aims of our life—the reasons we get up in the morning. Purpose can guide our life decisions, influence our behaviors, shape our goals, offer us a sense of direction, and create a purpose-driven life, all of which leads us to authentic happiness. According to spiritual wisdom, as long as we are still breathing, our life purpose has not yet been fulfilled. Discovering our life purpose is a journey, and it’s the Seeker who happens to discover it.

Spiritual chaplain Lisa Gruenloh defines our life purpose as “the aspect of us that is completely passionate about helping others in purposeful ways. Our passion helps us to identify our life purpose. Then, by connecting with our higher Selves, we’re effortlessly guided by our intuition, inspiring action.”

Sleeping Souls tend to snicker at the notion of having a life purpose. They write it off as religious nonsense. Rather, they get sucked into the illusion of success, which at the core is about gaining prestige, power, control, and money. They tend to believe the level of success they achieve is reflected by where they live, the size of their houses, the types of cars they drive, the schools their children attend, and the title on their business cards. Their conditional programming drives them to “keep up with the Joneses,” which leads them to purchase all this materialistic stuff, most likely discovering that they are not authentically happy. An internal uneasiness eats away at them, and yet they can’t pinpoint the source of their discomfort. Once they have suffered for long enough, some begin to seek.

Seekers tend to make tremendous progress in their journey when they discover and embrace their life purpose. For many of them, materialism becomes secondary and simplicity becomes primary. For many, their competitive nature transitions to a collaborative one. Their self-centeredness is often replaced with compassion for others, drama subsides and inner peace ensues, and knowing replaces fear, as they take inspired action to fulfill their life purpose. If they don’t happen to achieve their life purpose in their current chapter of life, then they will reincarnate to Earth at that same level of consciousness in their next chapter of their infinite life. This is why Guru Satya Narayana Goenka emphasizes the need to die with a purified mind.

Awakened tend to know that, by living their life purpose, they will not die in this chapter of their infinite life until their purpose is fulfilled. Once their life purpose is fulfilled, then they transcend to a higher dimension in the next chapter of their infinite life. They tend not to allow success to go to their heads, as they are simply fulfilling their life purpose. Many know that while they are here on Earth their life purpose involves collaborating with other people in order to create positive change....

I am fulfilled by serving my life purpose.

Do you know that everyone has a life purpose?

What is your life purpose?

Do you support others with serving their purpose?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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