Aspect #2


“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

~ Teilhard de Chardin

ESSENCE: Human beings are infinite beings.

Infinite Being is a human being who realizes that one of the most basic realities is that we are infinite. We have come to Earth to experience life in a finite human body as a way to learn, grow, and experience love and joy, evolving and eXpanding our Souls.

We have all the power and knowledge we need to create the lives we desire. When the greater knowledge of the infinite comes to us, we are changed forever as all self-imposed limitations are released. What many of us are lacking is the awareness and integration of this universal truth.

All of our thoughts and feelings influence everything we experience in life. This truth is challenging for many of us to accept, keeping us unknowingly stuck. Yet when we accept and embody this truth, it becomes the pivotal point when we change our trajectory by eXpanding our perspective, awakening our inspiration, and unleashing our power from within, creating a new 21st-century life of love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace.

Accepting that we are infinite beings validates our trust in the Divine order of life. Accessing the infinite eXpands our imagination to new heights of creativity, while we acknowledge the infinite unfolding of ourselves.

Sleeping Souls generally do NOT realize that we are infinite beings. They tend to be firmly stuck in their ways, convinced their beliefs are accurate. They tend to believe that they are limited to this singular life on Earth in which they are currently living. They are limited in opportunities to grow. They tend to overlook that their finite thinking and limiting beliefs are holding them hostage to their current ways of living. Some begin to seek.

Seekers tend to discover that human beings are also infinite beings–finite and infinite, the yin and yang, which are the two complementary energetic forces that make up all aspects and phenomena of life. As Seekers transcend, they discover universal truths, realizing they no longer carry the old paradigm beliefs that were programmed into them as youngsters.

Awakened are those who undoubtedly know that human beings are an aspect of the infinite, freeing themselves from the shackles of limitation. They tend to be very creative, accessing their infinite imaginations to make new discoveries, develop new ideas, and conceive new solutions to challenges. They tend to know that with vision, all human challenges are solvable. This includes the energetic rebalancing of humanity, living in harmony, love, and peace. Awakened do not fear dying in this chapter of their infinite life. Many are able to live life without fear. They tend to view death as resting periods between births. And within and across all of their various lifetimes, Awakened have come to know that everything is connected….

I accept myself. I accept the infinite.

I accept that I am infinite.

Do you know that you are an infinite spiritual being having a finite human experience?

Do you know that finite human beings are also an infinite aspect of the Universe, and therefore, an aspect of evolution?

Do you know that you possess tremendous power within you, which you have yet to eXpand into?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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