Aspect #22


3 min read

“The ability to lie is a liability.”

~ Unknown

ESSENCE: Truth is my protection.

Truth is that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. Truth is our protection, meaning, as long as we live with integrity, convincing others of our truth is unnecessary. Knowing we are living our truth is what matters most. Living our truth is putting ourselves out in the world by following our true hearts’ desires. When we follow our hearts, we follow truth. Our truth may be entering a new career, starting a business, becoming a single parent, adopting a child, sharing hidden feelings with others, or doing a multitude of other things. The truth we hold is often the reflection of our hearts’ greatest joys. No more hiding! It’s time to just be you!

Sleeping Souls tend to ignore the truth their hearts naturally carry, thus setting a trap for themselves. They tend to placate others’ expectations of them, oftentimes conflicting with what they truly want to do. Many find themselves in careers and/or relationships that they don’t want to be in, yet they are frozen in fear, not taking any action to change their situations. Many find themselves fulfilling others’ desires at the expense of sacrificing their dreams. Perhaps a student is very artistic, yet is studying accounting because their father or mother is an accountant. Or perhaps a person feels stuck in an abusive, disrespectful relationship for fear of being alone and/or the stigma of being single. Or perhaps a couple is expecting a baby and are feeling the obligatory pressure of needing to get married. In other words, Sleeping Souls tend not to live their truths, but rather spend their lives fulfilling the obligations of others. Many Sleeping Souls are unhappy. Some begin to seek.

Seekers tend to call upon their inner strength and courage by honoring the truth in their hearts, unhindered by deceptions, illusions, and pressures of societal programming. When they feel as if the world is presenting them with conflicts that are too heavy to carry, they have a tendency to aim higher, releasing any need of placating others nor of receiving any form of external validation. They have no need to prove they are right. Seekers have come to realize what is true for them, thus feeling good in their hearts. What is true for them may not be true for someone else, and they realize that’s OK.

Awakened tend to simply live their truth. They have discovered their life purpose and don’t waste their energy placating others. They have discovered that the truth in life is to follow their passion, which is their higher Self guiding them to live a life of joy and creativity. They tend to live with open hearts and open minds, accepting and honoring prosperity in all aspects of their lives. Awakened have learned the importance of living their lives with a deep sense of trust....

I live my truth, as it protects me.

Are you truthful?

Do you placate others at your own expense?

If so, why do you do this? If not, why not?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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