Aspect #24


3 min read

“Confidence breeds success.

Success breeds confidence.”

~ Mike Tyson

ESSENCE: Confidence is a key to success.

Confidence is the feeling and knowing of one’s abilities and being assured: firm trust. It involves a sense of self-assurance and trust in one’s ability to perform tasks, make decisions, and handle various situations.

Confidence expresses itself in various areas, such as personal abilities, professional competencies, and social interactions. Those who are naturally talented, or even gifted, in a particular area, such as music, will have an easier time gaining confidence because they are already naturally tuned in.

Those who are neither naturally talented nor gifted in a particular area will have a more difficult time excelling. Even so, they, too, can earn great confidence by learning and improving, regardless of the level they achieve. Building confidence is something that every human must learn to do. High confidence can lead to greater resilience and success, whereas low confidence can result in self-doubt and hesitancy. Overall, confidence matters!

Fear is holding back the global economy. Fear reflects a lack of confidence. As long as we collectively lack confidence, the economy will not get better.

When we take the time to discover our life purpose, it brings about a sense of confidence, which leads to awakening our inspiration. Confident inspiration is crucial, because until we are inspired, no meaningful actions occur. With confident inspiration, our creativity blossoms and we carry out our work with pride and passion. We demonstrate our pride through our passion. Our passion leads us to unleashing our power from within.

Until a strong sense of confidence, inspiration, bravery, pride, and passion are prevalent throughout the world, too many Souls will remain asleep, our potential will not flourish, and our downward spiral will continue.

Sleeping Souls tend to lack confidence. They are unsure of themselves, questioning whether they are good enough. Many Sleeping Souls, young and old, yearn for a strong sense of confidence, admiring those who clearly have it. Some begin to seek.

Seekers tend to view the world differently as they eXpand their Self-awareness, which creates a renewed sense of confidence. Many learn that the answers they are seeking already reside within themselves. As Seekers build their confidence by feeling the fear and proceeding anyway, their inspiration awakens, fueling their creativity and passion. Their confidence is contagious.

Awakened tend to have a zest for life. They tend to have a high degree of confidence in knowing that The Great Awakening is approaching a global tipping point, and it’s simply a matter of time before the world transcends to the new paradigm of regenerative living. Interestingly, their confidence fuels their peacefulness....

I am clear and confident, humble and bold.

Do you have a confident outlook on life?

Do others view you as confident or insecure?

What are three of your greatest achievements?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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