Aspect #27


3 min read

I have just three things to teach:

simplicity, patience, compassion.

These three are your greatest treasures.

~ Lao Tzu

ESSENCE: Living with Divine will requires patience.

Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. Patience is a virtue, which is a behavior showing high moral standards. Patience requires trusting the Creator’s pace. Along with forgiveness, patience is among our greatest powers, and is one in which many of us need to strengthen.

In our modern world, patience has really waned. The increasing speed of technology and artificial intelligence, along with an emphasis on convenience, has made the world very impatient. The pace of our lives has continued to
increase, while our moral standards have decreased. Short-term gains and immediate gratification prevail.

The brutal media continually reinforce ongoing violence, sexual lust, inequality, discrimination, materialism, and separateness, while doing next to nothing to promote goodness, simplicity, compassion, and well-being. They have also created a superficial world living in denial of its own power, fueled by the corporatocracy. Our impatience and desire for immediate, short-term results, combined with our disregard of long-term ramifications, has led us right to where we are today, which is literally at the brink of an intentionally triggered global economic collapse in order to centralize political, social, and economic control.

Every thought, idea, emotion, behavior, and action have coalesced to create our impatient world at the present time, in 2024. Just know that all of this chaos throughout the world shall pass, like clouds floating across the sky. Divine will and patience are the swords that will slay the evil dragons.

Sleeping Souls tend to be rather impatient. Many of their mindsets are fixated on immediate gratification. Many fill their days seeking what they want now, regardless of future consequences. Many are impatient with their kids, bosses, parents, teachers, classmates, customers, clients, coworkers, and friends. Impatience rules their lives. Some begin to seek.

Seekers tend to learn patience through aligning with Divine will, and realizing the Universe evolves infinitely and at a very slow pace. They learn the definition of Divine timing, which means that an event occurs in Divine order at the perfect time. Seekers learn that by living fully in the present time and enjoying life as it is, they allow Divine will to unfold naturally in their lives. Therefore, they live with the awareness that everything occurs in Divine timing, which requires patience.

Awakened tend to be patient and tolerant people. Their open-heartedness enables them to embrace the differences of others, and helps them to relate to others regardless of where they are on their personal journeys. Awakened tend to plant many seeds of opportunity, and then allow each one to grow in Divine timing. Awakened realize that patience is not waiting for things to fall into their laps. Rather, inspired action is required to manifest their dreams, which requires the application of bravery….

I listen to the rhythm of my Soul.

And I trust the Creator’s pace.

Are you a more patient person now than

when you were younger?

In what instances are you patient?

When are you impatient?

Do you know that being patient

is a powerful strength?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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