Aspect #29


3 min read

Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.”

~ Elon Musk

ESSENCE: Perseverance illuminates the pathway to success.

Perseverance is doing something despite difficulty and/or delay in achieving success. Perseverance is the strength we have to help carry us through difficult times. Perseverance is an intangible muscle, as the more we use it, the stronger it gets. We must adopt a never quit mindset.

The illusion that money solves life’s problems is just that, an illusion. Meaning, wealthy people encounter challenges too. The point is, every single human needs perseverance to thrive in life on Earth. There are no exceptions.

Sleeping Souls tend to view problems as problems, adding more negativity to their lives. Many tend to hesitate, and not persevere, due to the fear of the unknown. Many persevere in areas that may not serve them well, such as dwelling on the negative, constantly complaining, gossiping about others, and/or being obsessed about making money at the expense of ignoring their families, friends, and the Earth. Whereas others persevere in their careers, only to end up disengaged with their work, company, and/or colleagues. Many feel stuck in a job and life they despise. They feel powerless. Some begin to seek.

Seekers tend to view problems as challenges, eXpanding their perspectives to see, what otherwise could be viewed in a negative context is rather viewed in a positive context. They generally know that they are here for a certain purpose, and therefore, cannot stop moving toward their goals. Their inner knowing fuels their perseverance, and they have come to realize that a secret ingredient to success is to persevere, to never quit.

Awakened tend to persevere with grace and ease. This is due to being in alignment with their heart, body, mind, Spirit, and Soul. In this way, they naturally attract the resources required to manifest their true heart’s desires and fulfill their life purpose. They tend to avoid establishing preconceived timetables for when things will happen. Rather, they persevere with inspired action, enjoying the process of creation, with no attachment to the ultimate outcome. They know that attachment equals expectations, and expectations create energetic resistance, impeding their forward momentum. Awakened align themselves with the Divine flow, allowing the events in their lives to unfold according to Divine timing. They have learned that the best way to persevere is through having a high degree of gratitude…. our Self-awareness, awakens our inspiration, and unleashes our power from within. Inspiration is energy in action. Through taking inspired action, we will transcend to a new regenerative world, filled with love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace.

I will continue to persevere on my journey

until I manifest my true heart’s desires

and fulfill my life purpose.

When times get challenging, is your natural

tendency to persevere or to quit?

Do you persevere in fulfilling your life purpose?

What is one powerful example of when you wanted to quit but you persevered instead?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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