Aspect #32
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
~ Leonardo da Vinci
ESSENCE: Simplify, simplify, simplify!
Simplicity is the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do. Simplicity captures the ESSENCE of regenerative living; simple is good.
Mahatma Gandhi wisely stated, “There is enough for everybody’s need, but not enough for anybody’s greed.” The abandonment of our materialistic mindsets is what’s called for at this time of our human evolution.
Become practical. Contemplate every purchasing decision. Vote with our dollars. Eliminate debt. Ensure that our thoughts, emotions, decisions, behaviors, and actions align with the well-being of the Earth as well as Self and others. Reconnect with Nature. Reconnect with family and friends. Take contemplated risks. Live in the present time. And simplify, simplify, simplify!
Sleeping Souls tend to feed right into the corporate marketing tactics that exploit the seven deadly sins—wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony—because that’s what sells. Violent movies, sexy advertisements, luxury cars, extravagant jewelry, cool sunglasses, designer handbags, and a host of other products all feed into the materialistic, self-indulgent wants of society. Many Sleeping Souls acquire so much stuff that their lives are filled with clutter. Some realize that a cluttered house is a cluttered mind. So they declutter their homes, as they begin to experience a sense of detachment from their stuff. This is when many Sleeping Souls come to realize that all their stuff is rather empty, and they begin to prefer a sense of freedom instead. Some begin to seek.
Seekers tend to no longer want clutter in their lives. Some of them imagine that each possession they own has a golden cord attached to it that is connected to the heavens above. These cords surround them, so the more cords they have, the more constricted they feel. What becomes paramount in many Seekers’ lives is freedom—freedom to move around, freedom to have balance in life, freedom from debt, freedom from clutter. They tend to become very selective of their possessions, many times choosing increased freedom over stuff. With newfound freedom, many Seekers rediscover joy, happiness, love, and companionship, all of which have been long overdue.
Awakened tend to live simply, enjoying the freedom of their lives. With their deemphasis on materialistic pursuits, time and energy opens up to nurture other aspects of life, such as relationships, physical activities, personal spiritual practices, hobbies, learning, reading, and napping. Many Awakened discover their ability to create and maintain deep and meaningful relationships with other people, doing so through a means of collaboration….
I live my truth, as it protects me.
Are you truthful?
Do you placate others at your own expense?
If so, why do you do this? If not, why not?
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