Aspect #33


3 min read

“Teamwork divides the task and amplifies the success.”

~ Author Unknown

ESSENCE: Collaboration multiplies the success.

Collaboration is the action of working with other people to create something. Collaboration occurs with an open heart, and is an integral part of regenerative living.

Separateness, competition, power, greed, and conformity led us to our COVID-19 global economic depression. What will change this economy is the banding together of conscious and regenerative leaders whose businesses are serving conscious consumers who vote with their dollars and hearts.

Before too long, the corporatocracy will wane while a meritocracy prevails. Divine consciousness will return the economic and political power back to “We the People”!

A conscious collaboration is emerging that is grounded in good intentions. Through behavioral economics we are able to create new regenerative markets by simply agreeing to change our behaviors, knowing that the economics will automatically follow. For instance, if we unite and agree to only purchase bottled water in 1 gallon jugs or larger, then the entire small bottled water industry, which creates loads of trash, will be wiped out.

When we unite as One collective purchasing group, then we reclaim our power, forcing corporations to change their ways in order to meet our consumer demands.

Sleeping Souls tend to have an every-man-for-himself mindset. The concept of replacing competition with collaboration is foreign for many of them, because they live in their minds, not in their hearts. The separation of races, religions, corporate cultures, political parties, and countries all stem from mind-centered egos and a lack of collaboration. Many Sleeping Souls compete in almost everything they do. Some thrive, while others become disillusioned and exhausted from competing all the time. Some begin to seek.

Seekers generally become adept at sharing their abilities, resources, and experiences. They choose consciously and carefully to spend their energy in ways that are productive, avoiding relationships that are high in drama and/or energy draining. Many reevaluate those they have chosen as friends, and begin to establish connections with new acquaintances who tend to be fellow Seekers or Awakened because of their collaborative nature, openness, and broadened perspectives on life. They tend to realize quickly that their drama-filled lives are a part of their past. They are stepping into a new life of collaboration, sharing, kindness, compassion, and a host of other positive attributes.

Awakened collaborate. Most tend to realize that “no man is an island,” as we all depend upon each other, influenced by Nature and the Universe. Because Awakened are open-hearted, they tend to not ignore the needs of the next seven generations. They are inclined to collaborate, developing new ideas and creating new innovations to live in harmony with ourselves, each other, and the Earth. Awakened tend to realize that for systemic change to occur, it must begin with a brilliant idea that morphs into a compelling vision….

I work in collaboration with others

to help fuel our collective success.

Is your tendency to work alone, or to work with others?

Do you enjoy collaborating with others?

What is one project that you have been meaning to do, and it will be easier to complete if you collaborate with others?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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