Aspect #36


3 min read

We are what we think.

All that we are arises with our thoughts….

Speak or act with an impure mind, and trouble will follow you….

Speak or act with a pure mind, and happiness will follow you.”

~ The Dhammapada

ESSENCE: Contemplation leads to wise decision-making.

Contemplation is the action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time, a deep reflective thought. We are what we think, we are what we eat, and we are who we know we are. Hence, contemplation regarding our heart, mind, body, Spirit, and Soul is crucial for a joyful life.

Contemplation enables us to attain greater levels of understanding before we take action. Many of our regrets stem from being triggered by our emotions, with contemplation being an afterthought. Oftentimes, we find it difficult to correct our past actions; apologizing for words spoken but not meant; spending time in our own personal prison pondering how we could have conducted ourselves differently; and regretting being irresponsible during challenging times.

Contemplation is an intangible muscle, like forgiveness and patience, the more we use it, the stronger it becomes. Stoicism represents a beacon of wisdom, serving as a roadmap for a life of purpose and integrity. Contemplation is a key practice in Stoicism.

Sleeping Souls tend to be out of balance. When they are not centered, they tend to make poor choices that do not serve them well, as contemplation is often a missing component. Many Sleeping Souls know that what they are doing is not serving them well, yet they continue to do it anyway. Perhaps they are faced with the fear of not fitting in. Perhaps they are addicted to suffering, fearing the unknown, clutching to what is familiar. Perhaps they lack the bravery to stand independently on their own two feet. Many Sleeping Souls would benefit by facing their fears, acquiring bravery through experience and contemplating decisions to positively influence their actions. Many Sleeping Souls want to make better choices. Some begin to seek.

Seekers tend to contemplate through connecting with Nature and their inner knowing. When their minds are cluttered, going for a hike in the woods, going for a swim in a spring, or going for a walk in a city green space tends to clear out the cobwebs. Many begin to learn about the powerful energies that reside in Nature. Many Seekers tend to carry a special stone in their pocket to help continually ground them. Many will hold this stone in their hand when contemplating a decision, quieting any negative monkey chatter, and creating space for new solutions to appear.

Awakened tend to access their inner knowing through contemplation. They use their wisdom to make choices that serve them well. Awakened tend not to be in a hurry, instead taking the time to contemplate matters. In the contemplation process, many have learned to observe everything through a lens of equality….

I contemplate my thoughts before I act,

choosing to make decisions that support my life.

Do you realize the power of contemplation?

Do you think before you act?

Would others describe you as impulsive or cautious?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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