Aspect #37


3 min read

“The defect of equality is that

we desire it only with our superiors.”

~ Henry Francois Becque

ESSENCE: We are all equal to one another.

Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. In the spiritual sense, equality is the idea that we are all aspects of the Divine, experiencing life at various levels of Self-awareness, and nobody is superior or inferior to another. Equality erases separateness and fosters inclusiveness. And with inclusiveness comes acceptance.

A false sense of equality has plagued this world since the beginning of humankind. The word humankind refers to human beings considered collectively, but is actually an oxymoron—a contradiction of human and kind, because since inception, humans have NOT been so kind to one another. A more fitting term to collectively describe humans would be human inequality. In civilization after civilization, wars and separateness have destroyed people’s lives. One would think that by the 21st century we would have figured out how to live in peace and harmony with each other, the Earth, and ourselves.

The reality is that we do know what it takes to live in peace and harmony. The solution is rather simple: Depart from the old paradigm of 20th-century degenerative living, and transcend to the new paradigm of 21st-century regenerative living. For many, this means taking the Divine Detour by crossing over the bridge from the constrictive path to the eXpansive path, creating a new regenerative life (refer to the Y-graphic).

A foundational aspect of this new paradigm is equality, whereby we view each other as fellow humans, realizing that nearly all of humanity seeks happy and peaceful lives. The exit strategy to remove ourselves from the Earth Matrix–an energetic network of oppression forming the old paradigm– requires a bold vision, lots of bravery, and perseverance.

Sleeping Souls tend to feed the inequality that exists in the world. Many of them live judgmental lives based on separateness, prejudice, and superiority. Many Sleeping Souls fail to make the connection that we are all made of the same atoms, and therefore, we are equal. Many are tired of living their better-than, less-than lifestyles. Some begin to seek.

Seekers tend to begin seeing images of themselves in other people through increased levels of awareness. They begin to eliminate the “I” while summoning the “we,” deepening their understanding of equality. They tend to recognize that all things are connected, and through acknowledging this connectedness, a sense of equality emerges.

Awakened simply view everyone and everything as equals. Their view of the world–their perspective–is so broad that it is from outer space, where there are no divisions, boundaries, or limitations. They hold the vision for One harmonious global community, led by decentralized conscious and regenerative leaders. Awakened know that we are all children of the Divine. They want the best for everybody. And they desire the world to become One peaceful global family, with all of us living with compassion….

I view everyone and everything as equals.

Do you know that all humans are equal to one another?

Do you view the world as One global family?

Do you view everyone and everything as equals?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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