Aspect #4
“By putting yourself in that intense form of stress, it makes regular life more peaceful.”
~ Joe Rogan
ESSENCE: Being balanced creates harmony and contentment in life.
Balance is an even distribution of weight, enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. Balance is a universal truth—the yin and yang of all existence. “As above, so below” is a statement of spiritual balance. Without balance, our lives are filled with drama and poor decisions.
As humans, we are an imperfectly perfect aspect of Creation. However, most of us don’t know this, and instead falsely think and feel that we are limited beings. Falsely living as a limited being can cause us to overcompensate. For instance, we may work too hard or possess more than we can properly care for. This puts us into a state of imbalance. When balanced, we eat healthier, have more physical energy, and experience greater mental clarity.
Sleeping Souls generally don’t consider the balance of life, Nature, and the Earth. They understand the smaller, basic elements of balance—male/female, up/down, in/out, good/bad—but they tend not to grasp the larger balance of the integrated whole system of the Earth and the Universe. Many tend to unconsciously ruminate based on inaccurate information about their place in the Universe, creating an inner imbalance that affects their ability to live in harmony with themselves, other people, and the Earth. As a result, many tend to be living a constrictive life filled with fear, doubt, worries, drama, and insecurity. They are not content. This inaccurate information is often handed down from generation to generation until one day it gets called into question. Some begin to seek.
Seekers begin to grasp that we as humans are perfect creations, even with our flaws. It’s our actions, decisions, and behaviors that are imperfect when the information in our unconscious minds is inaccurate. Many begin questioning the accuracy of their limiting thoughts through deep introspection. Many learn that the conscious mind is a gatekeeper, protecting the information in their unconscious mind, otherwise known as the ego mind, without understanding its accuracy. Some learn to reprogram their unconscious mind, with accurate new information; while clearing the energy blocks created by past traumas in their subconscious mind, otherwise known as their energy body, which is a container that hold all of our shadows. When Seekers clear all of their shadows, the subconscious mind no longer exists! Through this powerful personal transformation of reprogramming and clearing, they learn to fully accept what is, as is, when it is. They become more and more balanced.
Awakened tend to be living in balance within themselves. By having accurate information in their unconscious minds, while clearing the energy blocks in the energy bodies, they have eXpanded their Self-awareness and broadened their perspective, knowing that their life extends well beyond a mind and bodily existence. And many Awakened realize that living in balance with all aspects of the Earth and the Universe means they are living in present time….
I live harmoniously in balance
with myself and all of Nature.
Do you know the importance of being balanced?
Do you know that eating clean, getting plenty of sleep, staying hydrated, routinely exercising, walking, and meditating helps you to be well balanced?
What are three new good habits that you can develop in order to be more balanced?
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