Aspect #43
“The way of peace is the way of love.
Love is the greatest power on Earth.
It conquers all things.”
~ Peace Pilgrim
ESSENCE: Unconditional love is the ultimate ESSENCE of life.
Unconditional Love is an intense feeling of deep affection without any limitations, or love without conditions. Unconditional love is the greatest force of power that we can experience in our lifetimes. All of creation originates from the energetic vibration of unconditional love. The pureness of love is unconditional, free of judgment, and all accepting.
Love is being connected. Love is being balanced. Love is being heart-centered. Love is Self-love. Love is forgiveness for all. Love is being authentic. Love is being compassionate. Love is being truthful. Love is being trustworthy. Love is being wise. Love is being patient. Love is being grateful. Love is being humble. Love is being collaborative. Love is living in present time. Love is contemplation. Love is self-care. Love is allowing Divine will. Love is having compassion. Love is giving. Love is receiving. Love is equality. Love is unity. Love is so much more, because love is infinite.
Sleeping Souls tend to struggle with unconditional love. Perhaps it is because there are no expectations, no conditions, and/or no controls. Many live in their minds with closed hearts. Their fear, doubt, worries, drama, and insecurity tend to pose major barriers to the opening of their hearts. Some of them think they understand love, though they have yet to experience the feeling of true love in their hearts. Many Sleeping Souls desire to love and be loved, so as more and more people continue to transcend to the new regenerative world, many of them will begin to seek.
Seekers tend to be transitioning from a mind-centered life to a heart-centered life. As their hearts open, room for love, joy, and happiness eXpands. They tend to become truly grateful for the blessing of living on the Earth, and really enjoy spreading their love to others.
Awakened tend to realize that all space is sacred space; within it, everyone and everything deserves to be loved and respected. They realize that our children and grandchildren are the future; accordingly, they have the right to live in safety, harmony, and with an affectionate love for a healthy Earth and each other. Awakened tend to view all parents as teachers, endowed with the mission of teaching 21st-century regenerative living to our children, being role models for them and the next seven generations. Through observing the behavior of adults, our children learn to love and respect themselves, each other, and the Earth. Awakened hold the vision for a time when we all experience unconditional love. Love conquers all and is the solid bedrock of conscious and regenerative living….eXpands our Self-awareness, awakens our inspiration, and unleashes our power from within. Inspiration is energy in action. Through taking inspired action, we will transcend to a new regenerative world, filled with love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace.
I send thoughts of love,
and love returns in overflowing measure.
Do you experience the power of unconditional love?
Do you view yourself as a loving person?
What are three ways you can express love to others?
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