Aspect #44


3 min read

There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all Her children. They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go.”

~ The Warriors of the Rainbow Prophecy

ESSENCE: Regenerative living enables us to consciously live in harmony with ourselves, other people, and all of Nature.

Regenerative Living is a new way of life based of the concept of regeneration, which is the ability to regenerate, regrow, renew, and/or restore, especially after being damaged or lost. By awakening our Self-awareness through learning and integrating the Aspects outlined in ESSENCE, we become better equipped to consciously apply regenerative principles, birthing a new conscious and regenerative world.

Therefore, conscious and regenerative living is born once we realize that we are Nature, and we care about rejuvenating the health of the Earth and ourselves. Our actions renew the health of the planet, and the health of human systems. Our actions are the transitional steps required to lead us to a new conscious and regenerative world filled with love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace.

Humanity is in need of being regenerated–spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. Therefore, conscious and regenerative living is a reflection of awakening our Souls, choosing to consciously live on the eXpansive path. At its essence, regenerative is analogous to the Japanese term kaizen, which means continuous improvement.

As humans on Earth, we possess the ability to improve the way in which we live to be in harmony with each other and all of Nature. What stands in the way are the old paradigm beliefs, ideas, behaviors, and actions that continue to literally destroy the Earth and ourselves. Conscious and regenerative living is the outgrowth of living sustainably, because we cannot afford to sustain the constrictive path we are on, as it leads us to extinction.

Sleeping Souls generally have little concern for how their actions affect the next seven generations. Their constrictive consciousness has them caught up in their self-centered, self-righteous lives. They are so consumed by the drama of today that they cannot see tomorrow. Their narrow perspective limits their ability to see the future, which is being destroyed by their current-day actions. Some begin to seek.

Seekers are waking up to the reality of our times. Their perspective has broadened to realize that the constrictive path we are on does lead to extinction. Most want to make a difference in our world by shifting this trajectory in a new direction—taking a bridge to the eXpansive path, living in harmony, not in competition, with Nature.

Awakened tend to know firmly that our global community needs to regenerate, that is, bring about a renewed existence. They realize that if balance and peace on Earth are to exist, then the world’s population needs to drop old paradigm beliefs, habits, and limitations; clear their minds of negativity; and dispel the illusions that create separateness. Many

Awakened realize that evolution has led humanity to this point in history, coming to be known as decision time….

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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