Aspect #5


3 min read

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”

~ Buddha

ESSENCE: The only time is present time.

Present Time is occurring NOW, as you are reading these words. Life on Earth only exists in present time, as past memories and future dreams are illusions. Besides, humans fabricated time. Before we inhabited the Earth, life simply existed in a state of being.

In other words, time doesn’t really exist. It is purely a human mechanism for managing our lives. Outside this human framework, all other organisms live in the NOW, as there is no yesterday or tomorrow in their consciousness. Of course, some organisms learn things and use that knowledge at a later date. Although, let’s not confuse this with having a framework of time.

In the 1902 book Sun Dials and Roses of Yesterday by Alice Morse Earle, she noted the wisdom, “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.” Within this human mechanism known as time, it is important that we place great emphasis on being fully present.

Sleeping Souls generally spend very little time in present time. Their minds tend to race, dwelling on past traumatic memories and/or worrying about the future. Those who are dwelling mainly on past memories most likely view themselves as victims. Those who are worrying mainly about future times most likely view themselves as dreamers. This may be challenging to accept, but both victims and dreamers are living illusions. Both miss out on the beauty of Nature and human interactions, because they spend very little time being present. Their resistance to being here now is a clear indication that they are living in the past and/or the future. Their resistance is a reflection of them not accepting life as is, when it is. Rather, they create self-imposed resistance to what is, wishing things were different then what they are. Some Sleeping Souls attempt to control situations and/or people based on their own desire to make things how they ought to be. Some begin to seek.

Seekers tend to learn the importance of being fully present. As they transcend to the new paradigm of regenerative living, their perspectives eXpand, realizing the power of NOW! They release their old limiting thought of working hard today in order to enjoy tomorrow. They tend to simply enjoy living in the present moment, learning and practicing to live life as the witness of what is.

Awakened have healed their past traumatic memory events, while embracing an unknown future, living in present time. They are grateful for the blessing of simply being alive. They tend to realize that their greatest level of focus, strength, and creativity all occur in present time. And through being fully present and focused, they tend to have a daily practice that keeps them aligned with their Spirit energy….

I am living fully in the present,

open to all possibilities.

Do you dwell on the past, worry about the future, or live in present time?

Do you enjoy your present-day life?

What is one commitment you will make to yourself that will improve your life NOW?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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