Aspect #6
“I used to live in a room full of mirrors; all I could see was me. I take my spirit and I crash my mirrors, now the whole world is here for me to see.”
~ Jimi Hendrix
ESSENCE: Spirit is energy.
Spirit Energy is infinite energy; Sanskrit calls it prana, whereas Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) calls it chi. A strong body with a positive mindset and an open heart connects us to this powerful and limitless energy.
Perseverance draws from Spirit energy. Spirit energy is our life energy force, which returns to the pool of life energy upon our passing. Spirit energy enters through the crown chakra. As we utilize this energy to animate ourselves and experience life, we learn and grow, eXpanding our Souls.
Sleeping Souls tend to survive only on mental and body energies, without realizing their Spirit energy is also at work. Many Sleeping Souls are tired of the daily grind, working so hard to make ends meet, only to come home, ignore their families, and crash on the couch in front of the television. Some Sleeping Souls realize that there must be more to life. Some begin to seek.
Seekers tend to make dramatic changes in their lives, and quickly. For starters, they tend to stop watching television, stop reading the newspaper, and limit their time on the internet and social media by establishing a maximum of an hour a day. Many claim, “To Hell with Cell”, eliminating their expensive cell phone by replacing with a free internet phone, eliminating their cell bill(s) forever. They recognize that all of these platforms are filled with fear, doubt, worries, drama, and insecurity, thus forming a dark vortex of low-vibrating frequencies that many Seekers no longer desire in their lives. Many begin walking or jogging. Many begin a daily spiritual practice, which may include yoga, meditation, and/or journaling. Many start hiking in the woods, reconnecting with Nature. Many give up fast foods, stop drinking soda, and begin to drink a lot of water. In hindsight, they tend to realize that what was holding them captive to their Sleeping Souls’ lifestyle was their fear of change, their fear of the unknown. Most every Seeker feels blessed for encountering the gauntlet of challenges required for change, thus building a stronger connection with their Spirit energy through Self-love and compassion. Their Souls begin to awaken.
Awakened realize they are no longer threefold beings (3D), but fivefold beings (5D), comprising heart, mind, body, Spirit, and Soul. Their sleeping Souls have awakened through the opening of their hearts, learning to trust and leverage their intuitive impulses and creative imaginations. They tend to realize that their Souls are their very being, their ESSENCE. Their Spirit energy, moreover, is their life energy force, connecting their Souls with other Souls. They tend to understand the connections among all dimensions of being, realizing the importance of balance in their lives. They have successfully healed traumatic energy events from their past. Many Awakened tend to not dwell too much on the past nor worry about the future, because they don’t live in fear. Rather, they live in a frequency of love, immersed in their heart energy….
I am deeply connected with my Spirit energy,
which protects and guides me.
Do you know Spirit energy exists?
Do you know that your Spirit is your
life-force energy that keeps you alive?
How open is your heart?
How strong is your body?
How positive is your mindset?
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