Aspect #7


3 min read

“Your heart is the size of an ocean.

Go find yourself in its hidden depths.”

~ Yogi Amrit Desai

ESSENCE: Heart energy is emotional energy fueled by our Spirit energy.

Heart Energy is emotional energy fueled by our Spirit energy, centered around our heart chakra, which is known to be the center of love, compassion, forgiveness, and emotional balance. The heart chakra is the energy center that distributes heart energy throughout the body, mind, and aura. It plays a crucial role in our emotional and spiritual well-being.

Practitioners of self-care tend to focus on creating and sustaining heart energy though practices such as meditation, mindfulness, yoga, visualization, acts of kindness, engaging with Nature, creative activities, and energy healing. They know the power of doing so.

Some key aspects of heart energy include an emotional center, balance and harmony, energetic flow, healing and transformation, and a connection to our higher selves.

The emotional center governs our ability to form meaningful relationships grounded in balance and harmony. The emotional center also clears energy blocks to create greater energetic flow. We’re able to heal ourselves, fostering personal growth. Our heart chakra also connects us to higher states of consciousness, Divine love, and spiritual awareness.

Sleeping Souls tend to remain unaware of their ability to generate heart energy on their own. Rather, their tendency is to think that heart energy just happens. Many Sleeping Souls remain unaware that heart energy even exists. They tend to be more mind focused, figuring out what they need to do next. Many were taught to cover up their feelings, as expressing them is a sign of weakness. Some Sleeping Souls are taught that love is conditional, as they must behave a certain way to receive the love they desire. Some begin to realize this is a form of manipulation. Some begin to seek.

Seekers soon discover their ability to generate heart energy, which enables them to feel more love, joy, and compassion in their lives. Many Seekers tend to make dramatic changes in self-care, perhaps discovering meditation, yoga, and mindfulness practices for the first time. Many learn about the various forms of energy, and how to best manage the energies within their control, including their heart energy. Additionally, many Seekers rebalance their masculine (pingala) and feminine (ida) energies. They have grown to realize that the collective energy is currently way out of balance, too heavy in pingala energy…. the masculine ego mind at work. This is why there are numerous wars occurring throughout the world. Seekers are doing their part to rebalance the world by rebalancing themselves. This process of rebalancing is free will, occurring one Seeker at a time.

Awakened are energetically balanced, thus enlightened to the power of their heart energy. They live life with their hearts open, vibrating at a higher frequency. They experience greater love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace in their lives, even amid the chaos. Most Awakened realize that heart energy coalesces with body energy….

I generate heart energy to experience greater love, joy,

compassion, forgiveness, freedom, and peace.

Do you know that heart energy exists?

Do you know that your heart energy coalesces with

body energy to animate your body

and fire up your mind?

What are you willing to commit to in order to

generate greater heart energy in your life?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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