Aspect #8


“Make America Healthy Again.”

~ Robert Kennedy, Jr.

ESSENCE: Our bodies receive and emit energy.

Body Energy reflects the physical condition of our bodies. Our bodies are the temples for our Souls, so the greater care we have for our temples, the more body energy we can hold and the more powerful we become. A key to full aliveness is having a healthy body.

Body energy is correlated to the physical condition of the temple it occupies. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), from 2017 through 2020 the prevalence of obesity in the U.S. among adults aged 20 years and older was 41.9%, while the prevalence in adolescents aged 12 through 19 was 22.2%. Chances are, these percentages are even higher now. This same pattern of obesity is occurring in many parts of the world. It’s time we get into strong physical shape!

Body energy is not limited to physical activity, such as walking, running, and jumping. Every cell, molecule, and atom carries knowledge and wisdom. Our bodies operate as our very own energetic antennae: We can sense how safe we are; when someone is staring at us; and the energetic vibrations of others, enabling us to tell instantly if someone is in a good or bad mood without them uttering a word. Our body energies helps us to feel our way through life, providing us with an additional layer of protection.

Sleeping Souls tend not to have a strong awareness of their body energies beyond physical activity. They tend not to explore the deeper senses of these energies, overlooking sensations, energy blocks, and intuitive impulses. Many Sleeping Souls regret their actions in hindsight, wishing they had followed their intuitive impulses. Yet when the opportunity arises again, many will repeat the same old patterns. This may be due to their lack of trust in the intangible aspects of life, including their higher Selves and the Divine order of life. Some begin to seek.

Seekers tend to learn to feel their way through challenges, utilizing their body energies to guide them. Their faith in the intangible and themselves continues to grow. They tend to treat their bodies as temples, realizing the correlation between their physical condition and the level of energy they can hold and emit. Nutrition becomes paramount. Many begin to exercise to lose body fat and build muscle. Seekers tend to eat organic foods, paying close attention to where their food comes from. And they tend to stay well hydrated and avoid genetically modified organisms (GMOs), processed sugar, and flour. They consciously choose what they ingest.

Awakened generally feel the joy of having a physical and intuitive body. Many are physically fit, honoring the body’s role and its needs, confident in following their intuitive “gut feelings.” Many observe a daily practice that includes physical exercise, nutritious eating, and meditation. They understand the correlation between a strong body and a clear mind. Many Awakened learn to access their dormant power by eXpanding their mind energy….

The stronger I make my body,

the more energy I can hold and emit.

Do you know that the stronger your physical body is, the more energy you can hold?

How much do you rely on your intuitive feelings to make decisions in your life?

What will you commit to do in order

to strengthen your body?

#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)
#it2wu  (it's time to wake up)


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