Aspect #9
“All action results from thought, so it is thoughts that matter.”
~ Sai Baba
ESSENCE: Our minds receive and emit energy.
Mind Energy is powerful energy. Our minds constantly receive and emit energy. As it relates to the mind, energy is the strength and vitality required for sustained mental activity. When our minds are cluttered with drama, we block our creativity, and this limits the solutions to our challenges.
Our minds generate electricity, so the ideal circuit is one with the least resistance, called impedance, because it utilizes the greatest use of its electrical energy. Interestingly, the brain is more energetic when it’s less active. This is why meditation is so powerful.
Like energy attracts like energy. What we fear most is reflected in our current daily life. If our mindset is fixated on fear, doubt, worries, drama, insecurity, and a host of other limiting thoughts, then our lives will be negative and full of struggle. If our mindset is thriving with thoughts of love, prosperity, gratitude, respect, joy, and happiness, then our lives will be positive and in the Divine flow. What’s occurring in our inner lives gets reflected into our outer lives.
A misalignment between our conscious, unconscious, and subconscious minds sends mixed signals, or energetic vibrations, out into the Universe. By being unclear about our intentions, we set ourselves up for failures. By being clear about our intentions, then we can manifest our lives by design, instead of by default. The true success of living a vibrant and healthy life depends on having a vibrant and healthy mindset. A teacup is at its maximum usefulness when it is empty. A clear mind sustains a clear life.
Sleeping Souls generally have an unconscious, egoic mindset that is negative and/or cluttered with limiting thoughts. It’s not their fault; rather, it’s a result of being born and raised in the old paradigm. Many tend to not realize that their conscious mind is protecting their unconscious mind from change. The conscious mind was formed through our past experiences and is resistant to change. And since our present day existence is a culmination of our past decisions, the conscious mind will protect the ego mind by keeping things as they are, because with change comes uncertainty. The irony is that the conscious mind will hold Sleep Souls captive to their current circumstances, even if these circumstances are not what they truly desire. Some begin to seek.
Seekers tend to learn the connection between their thoughts, emotions, decisions, and actions. They realize the collection of all these form their lives. Many seek ways to heal their ego minds, releasing negative, limiting beliefs, replacing them with a set of new paradigm knowings, establishing a conscious mindset of positive thoughts and ideas.
Awakened tend to realize that the subconscious mind is not a physical aspect of the human brain; it’s merely an energetic container of our shadows. Awakened have healed their shadows, living with a whole, clear, and conscious mind. Many Awakened realize that one of their greatest superpowers is seeing facets of a life through a lens of respect….
My mind is filled with positive thoughts.
Are a majority of your thoughts positive or negative?
Do you have a prosperity or scarcity mentality?
Do you know that your innermost thoughts and emotions get reflected in your outer world of human experiences?
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