“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
~ Wayne Dyer
ESSENCE eXpands our Self-awareness, awakens our inspiration, and unleashes our power from within. Inspiration is energy in action. Through taking inspired action, we will transcend to a new regenerative world, filled with love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace.
To transcend implies a rising or extending notably above or beyond ordinary limits. In relation to our personal journeys, how we handle the series of countless challenges that occur in our lives determines our realities. Whether we react out of fear or respond with confidence and calm, depends on our level of Self-awareness. Our ability to transcend a challenge is contingent upon our perspective, which is influenced by Aspects, such as bravery, gratitude, and perseverance.
A paradigm is a typical example, pattern, or model. A perspective is a particular way of regarding something, or a point of view. Therefore, transcending to a new life in the regenerative world means to heal ourselves and others, while embracing a new 21st-century paradigm (or model). This new paradigm requires high levels of Self-awareness, which includes an infinite perspective (or point of view) for living a loving, joyful, prosperous, and peaceful life. Remaining calm and loving during times of chaos is key.
Inspiration is the opposite of empowerment. To empower is to give someone the authority to do something. This means that when we are empowered, it is contingent upon someone else doing something for us. Whereas, inspiration awakens from within, so we are not reliant on anyone outside of ourselves to give us the power that already resides in our Souls.
The mass of the world population is currently trapped in the constrictive, old paradigm of 20th-century degenerative living. This old paradigm is viewed from a finite and limited perspective and is filled with fear, power, control, greed, oppression, and limitations, as well as a host of other negative aspects. This negative vortex of energy forms the collective consciousness being held captive to their drama-filled lives. When living in this paradigm, Self-awareness is low and perspectives are narrow.
Conversely, a growing number of people are living the eXpansive new paradigm of 21st-century regenerative living. This new paradigm is viewed from an infinite and unlimited perspective and is filled with love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace, as well as a host of other positive aspects. This positive vortex of energy is a new conscious and regenerative civilization that is forming. When living in this paradigm, Self-awareness is high and perspectives are broad.
As we learn to unleash our power from within by facing our fears, we individually and collectively create a new regenerative world, which is known by many as the New Earth, which is NOT to be confused with the New World Order.
ESSENCE eXpands our Self-awareness and broadens our perspective, inspiring us to create visions for our new 21st-century regenerative lives.
ESSENCE is a Divine flashlight in the darkness, illuminating 44 Aspects of Self-awareness and enabling us to eXpand our perspectives, awaken our inspirations, and unleash our power from within. The polarity of dark and Light means that one cannot be experienced without the other. We enjoy freedom because of oppression.
ESSENCE supports us in viewing ourselves in relation to these 44 Aspects of Self-awareness. We tend to be able to view ourselves in each of the various perspectives (sleeping, seeking, or awake); thereby gleaning new realizations about ourselves, eXpanding our Self-awareness.
ESSENCE captures just enough depth to provide a gateway to have you desire to seek more. It is packed with ancient wisdom of Ultimate Truth, so that everyone can benefit from reading and learning. No dogma. No sect. The leader you follow is yourSelf, knowing you are Divinely protected. Your Angels are always with you. You focus forward. Your Angels have your back. If you don’t already, get to know your Angels.
ESSENCE embraces the infinite unfolding of ourselves and creates a new lens through which we can change our lives, to see the world we live in with renewed clarity. From this new point of view, we unleash our power.
ESSENCE may even cast a flicker of inspirational Light while reading, when all of a sudden, a new idea pops into your heart and mind that holds the potential to literally change the trajectory of your life. And with this new idea, you now possess the power to choose. Our power to choose is among our greatest powers. The key to manifesting our dreams is by choosing to deliberately focus on positive thoughts and gratitude, while remaining nonattached to the desired outcome. Relish the creative process and let go of the rest. Have faith and trust. This is when life magically unfolds.
An intention with ESSENCE is to encourage readers to contemplate their decisions before taking action, making conscious choices that align with the life they truly desire.
ESSENCE is laid out in a simple format. Each of the 44 Aspects of the new paradigm are defined, having their own section, with each section broken into five parts:
1. The ESSENCE of the Aspect is distilled down to its most
basic definition.
2. The CONTEXT of the Aspect provides a deeper understanding, enabling you to quickly grasp it. Our context of a situation influences our perspective.
3. The DAILY AFFIRMATION supports this Aspect of your new life through integrating it into your new daily practice, embedding it into your heart, feeling your new reality.
4. The INSIGHTS section provides thought-provoking questions for you to consider to awaken to your true power. It’simportant to reconcile the blueprint of your core values at defining moments of your life. Otherwise, you will be operating on an outdated blueprint that no longer aligns with whom you have evolved to become.
5. The JOURNAL section captures any of your personal insights about the various Aspects. These insights will be helpful if you decide to create a vision and build a new conscious and regenerative life. If so, the My Personal Vision exercise (refer to page 287) will help you achieve this, once you are through digesting the 44 Aspects of Self-awareness.
Immediately following the 44 Aspects, the Decision Time section describes that as of December 2019—at the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic—a fork in the path emerged, unveiling the eXpansive path, which is a Divine Detour, representing The Great Awakening.
Most people didn’t see this fork and have kept plodding along on the constrictive path until this very day. Some people did see it, took it, and remained calm amid the chaos. As more and more people discover this Divine Detour, they can decide if taking a bridge from the constrictive path to the eXpansive path is right for them.
Arlene Rose Curley, intuitive leader and spiritual mentor, states in her mystical book, Completing the Seven:
When you inhaled that divine fiery spark at birth, your Soul was actually buried within your body’s physical density and heavier earthly vibrations. It was shocked into spiritual amnesia, and within this deep sleep all the knowledge from previous lifetimes and from the heavenly spheres also went into hibernation. Thus, you began life as an ordinary being: awareness of body, mind, spirit—but no awareness of your Soul! You are born into a major predicament. Here you are on Earth, with your body housing your sleeping Soul. You have no idea that you have a Soul, and with your spiritual amnesia, you have forgotten everything.
The objective of ESSENCE is to eXpand people’s Self-awareness, thus awakening their sleeping Souls, transcending to the new paradigm of regenerative living. Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires, which determines our perspective on life.
The eXpansion of our mind and heart is limitless. The greater our awareness, the greater our aliveness. The key to eXpanding our awareness is acquiring wisdom through learning the needed lessons of our daily challenges. With greater wisdom, we broaden our perspective, awaken our inspiration, and unleash our power from within. With focus, vision, and perseverance, we create the lives we desire, fueling our love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace.
The following graphic clearly depicts the correlations among awareness, eXpansion, and perspective. The outer circle is the Universe. The inner circle is the Earth. Each of the solid white dots represents the eXpansiveness of our awareness, the white arc represents our level of ascension, and the angled lines represent the extensiveness, or eXpansiveness, of our perspective. You’ll notice that the arc gets farther away from the Earth as we transcend, eXpanding our awareness and broadening our perspective.
POINT A represents the perspective of the Sleeping Soul, who is trapped in the old paradigm of 20th-century degenerative living, where the mass of the world’s population resides. Their awareness is low, and their perspective is narrow. They have yet to transcend to any significant degree. Their life is filled with drama, fear, worries, doubt, insecurity, and other negative emotions. The pattern of their life keeps them going in circles. Some begin to seek.
POINT B represents the perspective of the Seeker, who is transcending to the new paradigm of 21st-century regenerative living. There is uncertainty, yet this person is discovering calm in the unknown. Their awareness is eXpanding, their perspective is broadening, and their sense of fear, drama, worries, doubt, and insecurity are waning. Such a person is beginning to feel more inner peace and love in their life.
POINT C represents the perspective of the Awakened, who is living in the new paradigm of regenerative living, viewing the world with unlimited vision, being open to all possibilities. He or she realizes they are an infinite spiritual being having a finite human experience. Such a life is filled with love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace. They view themselves as an aspect of the infinite.
What’s Your Point of View?
A student is standing in front of a chalkboard, staring intently at a problem that is directly in front of their face. They are so close to the problem that all they see is the problem.
Their awareness is low, their perspective is narrow, and their frustration is overwhelming them. They don't know how to solve this problem, as they don't see any potential solutions. Standing behind them is the teacher and a classroom full of students, wondering, and some even judging, what the student will do to solve this problem.
The teacher asks the student, “How do you feel?” The student mumbles, “Nervous and frustrated.”
Fortunately, the teacher is aware, and knows how to inspire. They are aware that by eXpanding the perspective of the student, potential solutions may appear, and their frustration will be replaced by inspiration.
So they ask the student to go the back of the classroom, envisioning themselves standing in front of the chalkboard, staring at the problem.
The teacher states, “By standing at the back of the classroom, you have eXpanded your awareness, and are now in a place of being the witness, which involves intent listening. Can you see yourself standing at the chalkboard?”
The student immediately replies, “Yes!”
The teacher continues, “The greatest power that humans have over all other species is our ability to observe ourselves in any given situation, listening intently to those around us, while allowing our internal voice to guide us.
Through eXpanding our Self-awareness, we are in a position to appropriately respond to any situation with a state of calmness and inspiration, while not reacting to it with nervousness and frustration—for this reaction occurs when we are standing directly in front of the chalkboard in a state of fear.”
The teacher then asks, “By standing at the back of the classroom, what else do you see?”
The student replies, “I see a lot more. I see you and all the students staring at me trying to solve the problem on the board. I see myself nervously staring at the problem on the board. I see the floor, walls, ceiling, lights, and windows. Through the windows, I see birds, grass, trees, and the sky.”
The teacher responds, “Do you now realize that your perspective is much more eXpansive from the back of the classroom?”
The student smiles, “Yes, much more eXpansive!”
The teacher probes, “So with this eXpansive perspective, do you believe there are more options available now, including options to solve your problem?”
The student confidently replies, “Definitely.”
The teacher then asks, “So through the realization that more options are now available to you, how do you feel?”
The student confidently states, “Calm and inspired!”
The teacher smiles wide. “So what have you learned about yourself?”
The student confirms, “I have learned about the power of eXpanding my Self-awareness to broaden my perspective, entering a space of being the witness. I've learned that by being the witness, I can observe myself in any situation. I've learned that by observing myself in a given situation, I am able to intently listen to those around me, as well as listen to my own internal voice. I've learned that by listening intently, I become more and more aware of what is going on around me. Through this elevated awareness, I am better equipped, and see more options, for solving my problem at hand. And by having more options, a sense of calm fills my body, while my frustration subsides and my sense of inspiration awakens.”
The teacher exclaims, “Yes! You just learned a very important lesson of eXpanding your Self-awareness, awakening your inspiration, unleashing your power from within! You are worthy. You are powerful. You are able to inspire yourself and others, including me.”
The student shines as they return to their seat.
A Parable
eXpanding Our Self-Awareness,
Awakening Our Inspiration,
Unleashing Our Power From Within
How Self-Aware Are You?
Before beginning your journey into the depths of your Soul, it’s wise to establish a baseline measure of your current level of awakening by taking the ESSENCE Self-Awareness (ESA44) assessment on our website.
You will be encouraged to take it again once you have digested the 44 Aspects, calculating the level of personal awakening that has occurred in you while reading this book.
Please note that you can take the ESA44 assessment as often as you desire, tracking your progress to a state of awakening. It’s free, and always will be. There’s no email, credit card, or personal information required. It takes about 15 minutes to complete. Super easy. Self-awareness is power!
Be sure to record your ESA44 Round #1 results for future reference.
Now that you’ve established a baseline measure of your current state of awakening, are you ready to embark on this journey of eXpanding your Self-awareness?
If so, then let’s do it! This journey to awakening your Soul begins with knowing thyself….
Inspired by Dana B. Lichtstrahl
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