My Personal Vision
My Personal Vision describes your dream life, so you are able to build it into existence. Mental clarity, inspired actions, and trust in the Divine order of life are required for your dream life to manifest into physical form.
If you are choosing to live a new life on the eXpansive path, then creating your personal vision for your life is beneficial for sustaining the clarity and perseverance necessary, as challenges will undoubtedly occur along the way.
When creating a new personal vision for your life, never begin with building from your existing circumstances. Instead, follow this process:
Begin by projecting out your dream life three years into the future. Then reflect back, describing in detail what it’s like, along with the three-year journey it took to arrive here now. So, if today is September 2024, then project to September 2027, describe where you are now (in 2027), and describe in detail what it’s like. Lastly, describe the three-year journey it took to build your dream life into reality.
Be sure to reference any nuggets of insight that you may have captured in the JOURNAL section in each of the 44 ESSENCE Aspects, as well as any insights from the Old vs. New perspective exercise that you just completed. Integrate these nuggets of insight into your new personal vision, then integrate your vision into your life!
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